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Waterless Urinals


Ensure Hygiene, Save Resources, Protect Environment

A sincere attempt at preserving nature’s greatest resource – Water

Where can it be deployed?

Manufacturing Units

Corporate Office Spaces

Commercial Buildings

Service Organizations

switching to Waterless Urinal Solutions

In this rapidly changing world, to mitigate the effects of climate change & the acute water shortage, we at Rutu Biosystems are committed to a greener world and intend to bring in advanced biotech solutions to control malodor.

This initiative has helped several organizations in their sustainability agenda, sanitation goals, hygiene priorities, and financial goals.

The Science Behind The Stink

Stakeholder Benefits

Precious Environment

  • Saves water
  • Reduce Co2 emission
  • Saves energy used for pumping water
  • No toxic chemicals used in the process
  • Waste water is good for the garden
  • Support sustainable sanitation

Supporting Organization

  • Less water costs
  • Less energy costs
  • Less maintenance and repair
  • Less complaints of odor and health risks
  • Less waste water treatment

Washroom Users

  • Odor free washrooms
  • Germ-free urinal pots
  • Touch-free system
  • Fresh urinals for every use
  • Every use support green environment movement

Precious Environment

  • Reduced cleaning effort
  • No harmful chemicals to be used
  • hygienic place to work
  • Fewer issues and complaints
  • Safe to use

A 3 step process

Malodor is a big challenge and has a high nuisance value. Human waste (urine) is a by-product produced by the kidneys and filters out the waste produced in the body. Being a waste product, it can contain various salts, trace amounts of hormones, protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids and a component called urea. It is this urea, which is oxidized into ammonia on contact with water and is released into the atmosphere causing the foul smell.

Our unique technology of waterless urinal consists of 3 solutions that work together in synergy to achieve tremendous water saving while elevating washroom hygiene.

Let's discuss a smarter way to keep urinals clean and fresh

Click Here

Waterless FAQs

Do we have to replace out existing urinals and buy new ones?

Absolutely Not ! This is the beauty of BIODOC® programme. The existing urinal only can be converted into the WUP (Waterless Urinal Programme)

Can waterless urinals work in heavy use areas like sports arenas, shopping malls, public places, etc.?

WUP work perfectly well in heavy usage places, because here every urinal pot is treated as per BIODOC® programme, so the huge number of urinals do not matter. Actually, the more the number of urinals, the more water saved.

What to do with the pipes already connected with the urinal pots?

As we said, we do not do any civil changes in the urinals, so the pipes already connected remain in their place. We just switch off the water supply to those pipes, so even if any user tries to flush unknowingly or as it is a muscle memory for us, water will not be dispensed.

How do we educate the users and visitors about this?

Yes, as this is a comparatively new concept, it can confuse users. And we can help you with educating people about WUP with signages all over the urinals indicating technology and purpose of implementing WUP.

What specific training will be required for our housekeeping staff?

No specific training is required. We sensitize the housekeeping team regarding water conservation and hygiene during implementation so that they too are aware.

Are structural, infrastructure, and drainage system changes required to implement this?

No civil changes are required for implementing WUP. in this programme each and every urinal is treated individually with BIODOC® solutions, and that’s why no structural or infrastructural changes are required.

How many minimum urinal pots are required to start this program?

In WUP, as every urinal is treated individually, there is no lower or upper limit of urinals to implement WUP. It can be done with single urinal pot as well as with 1000.

What if our urinal pots and pipes are installed long ago?

No issues. Only if they are very old, then there is a huge chance of accumulation of scales, so we specifically recommend a 7 day treatment of Magic in such cases to take care of the old scaling which might be present in the pipes. Our technical support team does a thorough survey of the site before implementation and then you are advised accordingly.

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